Engineering and consultancy in solar power generation

Tiemes assists clients in evaluating opportunities with the following activities:

Constraint analysis of plant site and grid connection line

Identification of the general characteristics of the site (morphology, accessibility, orography, presence of buildings)

Cartographic analysis to identify any interference of the project with existing services

Identification of the authorization process and of the entities to be involved during the procedure.

Preliminary layout of the system including agricultural uses and analysis of the terrain slopes

Preliminary analysis on the economic return of the project

Evaluation of projects under authorization and collection of information regarding obtained/on-going authorizations

Estimate of plant producibility, layout optimization, agricultural plan

Producibility simulation using PVSYST software (from year 0 to end of life)

Calculation of losses

and, if they decide to pursue it, in the following steps:

Assistance in establishing preliminary contacts and interfacing with land owners.

Grid connection request, contribution to technical discussions, management of contracts.

Design of optimized systems to maximize efficiency and sustainability through photovoltaic and agrivoltaic systems and preparation of documentation for authorization purpose (technical, fire prevention, electrical, structural, safety report, construction plan, decommissioning plan )

Grid connection design to obtain TSO approval

Bill of quantities

Environmental impact studies, with definition of the ante-operam framework, eventual agricultural plans and inclusion of naturalistic, landscape, noise, electromagnetic fields, excavation materials impact analysis

Management of the interface with the bodies involved in the authorization procedure

Specialist reports, such as:

  • Glare, geological, pedoagronomic and acoustic report, 
  • Verification of archaeological interest (VPIA), 
  • Estimate of dust emissions during the construction phase
  • Technical report on the agricultural project
  • Environmental monitoring plan
  • Hydraulic invariance report and rainwater drainage arrangements
  • Interface with administrative bodies and management of the permitting process

Tiemes has operational experience as co-owner of renewable energy generation facilities and uses it in the design.

Tiemes also provides consultancy in operation with electrical measurements, analysis of I-V curves of existing photovoltaic systems, thermography and electroluminescence tests, modernization and interactions with Gestore dei Servizi Energetici SpA.

Agrivoltaic project authorized
Power: 8.16 MW - Region: Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Agrivoltaic project in development
Power: 18.68 MW + 14 MW of electrochemical storage BESS - Region: Sicilia
Agrivoltaic project in development
Power: 27.03 MW - Region: Molise
Photovoltaic project authorized
Power: 8.23 MW - Region: Lazio
Agrivoltaic project in development
Power: 46.85 MW - Region: Piemonte
Agrivoltaic project in development
Power: 41.25 MW - Region: Sicilia
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